Bad Customer Service Can Get Your Business in a Bad Shape

12.11.2022 6:14 PM By Lovella Anne

Your customer service is the face of your business.

Customers talk. Nowadays, it’s easy for people to post on social media what they had experienced.  Especially when they got bad customer service. And what will be the outcome of your business if this continues to happen? No matter how good the product or service you offer, if the customer service is bad, your business will go down. Here are some things that can be affected by having bad customer service:


FACT: Customers are most likely to leave a NEGATIVE review than a positive one.

Negative word-of-mouth can affect your business reputation.  This may affect in a loss of current customers and potential customers. What would be the outcome of this? Of course, loss of profit. And you never want that to happen.

Loss of future customer and current customer

Consumers who experienced poor customer service are most likely to tell their friends and family who haven’t tried your product or service. And this will cost your business potential or future customers.

Increased costs

Having poor customer service may lead your business to increased costs. If the customer wants a refund even if you have delivered your product or service, it can result in your business a loss of profit. Instead of making a profit, you’re making an increase in it.


Everyone wants a stress-free environment. But having a bad customer service that affects your business, can give you and your employees stress, which may impact their poor work performance that can lead to burnout. It really is stressful dealing with an unsatisfied customer on a daily basis which may result in the loss of your best employees. 

Bad customer service has a domino effect on your business. Unsatisfied customers due to poor customer service will cause your revenue to drop and increase your cost. And how do you avoid this? Make sure that your business can provide a good quality of service by making sure that your employees receive the proper training and best practices. Remember, your customer service is the face of your business.

Lovella Anne